Single Site-Surgery

At Women's Surgery & Aesthetic Center, Dr. Furr is preforming robotic hysterectomies through one tiny incision in the belly button with virtually scarless results. Not only will you look amazing, but you will be back to enjoying life even sooner than if you have traditional open, laparoscopic, or even robotic-assisted surgery. 

The potential benefits of Single-Site Surgery include:

  • Virtually scarless results
  • Minimal Pain
  • Low Blood loss
  • Fast Recovery
  • Short Hospital Stays - most are home within 24 hours
  • Higher patient satisfaction

During the procedure, the surgeon sits at a console, viewing a 3D, high-definition image of the patient's anatomy. The surgeon uses controls below the viewer to move the instrument arms and camera. In real-time, the system translate the surgeon's hand, wrist and finger movements into more precise movements of the miniaturized instruments inside the patient.

Unlike traditional robotic surgeries requiring three to five small incisions, da Vinci Single-Site Surgery allows for a single incision in the belly button. Using only the single belly button incision the surgeon is able to treat chronic pain, heavy bleeding, non-cancerous fibroids, endometriosis and prolapse by surgically removing the uterus, also know as a hysterectomy.

Expert Surgical Experience

Not every surgeon who operates using a da Vinci robot is qualified to perform Single Site Surgery. Over the last several years, Dr. Furr has continued the pioneering spirit of Dr. C.Y. Liu, in his efforts to advance women’s healthcare and minimally invasive surgery. In 2006, I was one the first gynecologists in the State of Tennessee to be certified in robotic surgery. By 2009, I was pushing the surgical envelope in minimally invasive surgery by performing the first single-incision robotic hysterectomy in the state of Tennessee. I have continued to advance and promote this technology and am now able to offer surgical management of complicated endometriosis and pelvic floor reconstructive procedures through a single incision in the belly button.

Click here to read the first single-site robotic hysterectomy performed in Chattanooga, Tennessee press release!

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